
How to be the person that gets hired!

December 26, 2020

Signing up as a care provider on Supportal is always FREE and takes a couple of minutes (literally). We are happy to have so many providers on Supportal ready to work with the many families we have on the site looking for help.

If you’re a DSP, CDPAP, respite worker or therapist of any kind - including PT, OT, SLP, or Behaviorist, Supportal is the perfect place to get matched with people looking for help. But it’s not JUST about signing up on the site. Read on for tips:

Keep checking your emails!

Once you set up your profile and are LIVE on Supportal, families in your area looking for people with your skills will find you in their searches. If you followed the tips our previous blog for creating a great profile, interested people will reach out to you on email to discuss working with you. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is keep checking the email you used to sign up on the site for messages from families. Once you’ve responded to the first email you can talk on the phone, WhatsApp or whatever suits you best, but for now that first email is super important so keep checking.

Always Send a Reply

Even if a position doesn’t sound quite right for you, always send a reply. It takes a second to reply and let people know if you’re not interested or unable to follow up on their position and it gives them peace of mind that you saw their email. And you never know, they may recommend you to someone else who does have the perfect position for you.

Do I have to be qualified/certified/licensed?

Individual families decide if they want/need someone with particular qualifications; people are looking for everyone from licensed therapists, providers with certifications, grad school students through to someone to just sit with their child for a few hours. Often families need help with activities of daily living and just extra support. You don’t always have to be formally qualified for those positions.

The most important things are that you’re comfortable working with the special needs community and are a caring person. 

Keep coming back and make sure you added your picture!

Keep adding to your profile. Just completed a recent training course? Added a new qualification? Jump back on your profile and update it. Our research shows that our families like to see as much information as possible about you. We also know that profiles with a profile picture get way more interest and views. You don’t have to write anything if you don’t want;  just click the buttons to select your answers for most things like skills and education. The entire process will take under five minutes.

In our next blog, we’ll talk more about some of the other resources on the site like our new Business Directory 



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