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Directoryt Lady At Desk

In 1978, I met a young boy with autism named Corey. His gentle nature, exceptional memory and desire to interact touched my heart. The positive impact of the therapy he received inspired me to start the Center for Autism and Related Disorders, LLC. (CARD) in 1990. At CARD, we truly believe that recovery is possible and we develop our programs with that in mind.
The CARD I and CARD II programs include comprehensive and cutting-edge curricula that can be tailored to the specific needs of individuals from birth to 21 years of age. These programs help children learn to communicate, develop friendships, and lead happy, healthy lives.

CARD Specialized Outpatient Services (SOS) provides assistance with specific areas of concern for a family and develops and implements strategies to diminish problem behaviors and teach necessary skills.

None of these life-changing programs would be what they are without the work of our exceptional staff which includes PhDs, licensed psychologists, speech and language pathologists, masters-level supervisors, social workers, Board Certified Behavior Analysts, and marriage and family therapists. They are truly committed to helping all of our children achieve their fullest potential.

I hope this letter will answer some of your questions about CARD and in doing so give you optimism that success and recovery are possible.

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