
Welcome Back New York – supporting families with special needs with specialty staff.

April 29, 2021

New York is well on the way to being fully open for business. Schools are back, indoor dining is back and the whole City should be back and running at capacity within the next month or two. With large numbers of people due back in the office in May, working from home will be coming to an end for many after a long stretch. Your routines have probably switched up multiple times this last year and the next weeks will bring yet more changes. For special needs families this could be particularly stressful.

Keep To Routines Where Possible to create consistency

We know that maintaining a routine helps offer calmness and consistency for everyone and helps the day run more efficiently. When things change – for example having to get up and out the door earlier for school again, we need to try and maintain consistency despite that. So even if you have to get everyone up an hour earlier to get ready, the activities should stay the same where possible. Get up, get dressed, have breakfast, clean teeth etc. Particularly with a special needs family member, you want to keep the stress of the unexpected to a minimum. Ideally start preparing for changes a week or two before they need to be fully implemented.

Get Help

With many people looking to go back to offices and other workplaces, often on a different schedule to the one they were on before, you may have a new requirement for flexible help. You may need some wrap around care for your family member a few hours a day or evening now. You want to be sure that you can access specialty care from staff that understand and have the right experience. It’s not always easy to access the right staff so – as the number one staffing resource for the New York special needs community - we’ve tried to make it as simple as possible for you on Supportal.

We have thousands of staff waiting to help you!

Supportal was designed to help providers and families connect easily and fast. If you or someone you care for has a disability, or additional needs, Supportal is for YOU. We have literally thousands of DSP’s, respite workers, ComHab staff and therapists available on the site. They have experience working with all kinds of people in the special needs community. Whether you need help for a child, adolescent or adult, the staff on our site are waiting to be contacted by YOU.

You’re Always In Control- FREE 30 DAY TRIAL

You can sign up and take a look around for free,  you can search unlimited providers, and see who’s available in your neighborhood and then if you decide you want to contact providers, you can get a FREE 30 day trial of our full service to get you started. What do you have to lose? Take a look

Let’s Get Back Out There

We’ve created Supportal for YOU. One place where you can find great providers to support YOU with the person-centered care you need. You’re in control, you negotiate pay and hours and you choose who’s right. We’re here to support the special needs community as New York gets back on its feet and to put control back where it belongs -with you. Simple, easy and fast. Any questions please contact us on info@supportal.org

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Author: Richard